4th of July Egg & Spoon Game
Summer is prime-time for outdoor fun! With the 4th of July coming up we put a patriotic spin on the Egg Painting Party Craft Kit to make an egg and spoon race game perfect for playing with friends in the backyard. Not only is the game fun to play, it’s fun to make too!

- Egg Painting Party Craft Kit
- Wooden spoons
- Thin masking or washi tape

1. Paint the basket using the paints and brushes that come with the kit. We chose patriotic colors, but you can paint it however you like! The basket is perfect for corralling the game parts.

2. Have fun decorating the eggs. We added googly eyes to some of ours to make silly faces that look like they are afraid to fall off the spoon!

3. For other eggs we used thin masking tape to make stripes and other designs on the egg. We also used tape to make stripes on the wooden spoons. Just use the tape to cover parts of the egg that you don’t want painted, and peel off once you are done.

4. Fill up your basket with the eggs and spoons and head outside! Remember, you can only use one hand (not both!) to hold the end of the spoon. If the egg falls off you have to go back to the starting line and try again. First person to cross the finish line wins!

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Shop our Egg Painting Party Craft Kit here!
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