Toddler Color Sorting DIY
The My First Jewelry Kit is an amazing resource for toddlers! The beads in this kit are perfect for tiny hands and provide the opportunity for so much learning and fun. I used the kit to create a simple color-sorting activity for my toddler. She had such a good time threading the beads she didn’t even realize how much she was learning! Read below for the instructions to set this up on your own.

- My First Jewelry Kit
- KMM Washable Paint
- Paint brush
- 6 wooden skewers
- Playdough OR styrofoam block
How To:
Step 1: Begin by painting your wooden skewers. We used the KMM washable paint to paint ours and it matched the bead colors perfectly! Paint one stick each of the following colors: red, pink, orange, yellow, green and blue. Allow to dry completely.

Step 2: Roll a large log of playdough. Stick each of the skewers, point down, into the playdough. If you don’t have playdough, you can substitute a styrofoam block. Give your toddler the beads from the My First Jewelry Kit and have them thread the beads onto the matching skewers! This is a great opportunity to talk to them about color names, too! Threading beads is a great way for toddlers to strengthen their fine motor skills and have fun at the same time.

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