Crustacean Infatuation Pin

Crustacean Infatuation Pin

Flower Pencil Art

1. Flip over your pink fluorescent sticker paper and draw a large heart (as large as you can fit on the sticker paper). Next draw two identical, smaller hearts. 


Love Shape Making

2. Cut out all three hearts.


Love Shape Design Making

3. From your remaining pink sticker paper, cut two very small, long rectangles to create the eye stalks.


DIY Love Shape Hand Design

4. Glue an eye stalk to the top of each lobe of the large heart.


Love Shape Art

5. Bend the pink fuzzy stick in half and cut it to create two even pieces.


Gift Card Making

6. Bend both halves of the fuzzy stick into an L shape to create the crab’s arms


Attach The Hand Shape With Love Shape

7. Glue the arms to the sides of the crab’s body.


Two Love Shape Design Attach

8. Finish the crab’s arms by adding the small hearts to the ends to create claws.


Love Shape Design With Button

9. Glue down the sequins to the tops of the eye stalks


Mini Clay Kits

10. Cut two very small squares out of your purple sticker paper and round the edge to create pupils.


Love Shape Puppet Design

11. Glue the pupils into the center of the sequins.


Love Shape Plastic Design

12. Take a strip of fluorescent pink mini duct tape and fold it in half.


Love Shape Paper Cutting

13. Cut the folded strip in half lengthwise to create two long, thin strips.

14. Repeat Step 13 twice until you have six skinny legs for your crab.


Attach The Paper Cut With Love Shape

15. Glue the legs on the back of the crab’s body, underneath the arms. Trim them if the are uneven.


DIY Simple Pinecone Swan

16. On your sheet of paper, write out “I’ve Got a CRUSH-Tacean on You” and draw a banner outline around your message.


I'Ve Got A Crush - Tacean On You

17. Go over your design in red marker and cut it out.


DIY Love Shape With Text Making

18. Place dots of hot glue on the back of the crabs claws and gently place the banner so that it rests in the crab’s claws.


DIY Love Shape With Text Making

19. Glue a safety pin to the back of the crab, just below the fuzzy sticks.


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Make your own Crustacean Infatuation Pin using our Smarts and Crafts Bright Bundle!

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