DIY Easter Napkin Rings | Kid Made Modern

DIY Easter Napkin Rings

With Easter gatherings fast approaching, we’ve been thinking of ways to add a little handmade touch to our Easter dinner table. This version is so simple to make – and, luckily, won’t produce a candy-induced coma.

These Easter Table Napkin Rings are super easy to make, and will have your kids jumping up and down with joy! This is a fun and straightforward craft, so grab your Kid Made Modern Easter Craft Collection and your kids and get them involved in the process. They’ll love everything from constructing the napkin holders to the actual folding of the napkins, and it will make them all the more excited for Easter Day!

DIY Easter Napkin Rings

Materials Needed:

Kid Made Modern Easter Craft Collection 
● Scissors
● Hot glue gun (w/adult supervision)

DIY Easter Napkin Holder | Kid Made Modern


Step 1

Start by giving the felt bunny faces some personality! Add pom poms for the nose, googly eyes and pipe clears to construct the bunny’s whiskers. Pipe cleaners are actually the perfect tool to use for the whiskers – simply bend the pipe cleaner in half to get the correct length for two whiskers on each side of the bunny’s face. Straws can be used as well, just cut them down to size! Try using the card stock to add some depth to the bunny’s ears. You can even outline the bunny ears with pipe cleaners!


DIY Easter Napkin Holder | Kid Made Modern

DIY Easter Napkin Holder | Kid Made Modern
Step 2

Use the sparkly card stock included in the Kid Made Modern Easter Craft Kit to construct the ‘holder’ part of the napkin holder. Hold the card stock longways, press both ends together and secure with hot glue. The resulting shape should resemble a circle.

DIY Easter Napkin Holder | Kid Made Modern

Step 3

Attach the ‘holder’ made from cards tock to the back of your bunny’s face using hot glue. Hold it in place for a few seconds to make certain it is secure.

DIY Easter Napkin Holder | Kid Made Modern

Step 4

Add any finishing touches to your napkin holder and then place a napkin inside!
These Easter Bunny Napkin Rings are so adorably cute! They are a really easy and quick Easter craft that your whole family can make together. They would certainly brighten up any Easter table beautifully. We hope you love them as much as we do.

About the Author: 

Jaclyn Ryan is a mom of four and former teacher. She lives in Connecticut with her family and prefers to engage her children in activities that foster creativity and connection -- and that are also fun!


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