DIY Hanukkah Garland

Our Winter Craft Kit is chock full of sparkly materials perfect to celebrate the Festival of Lights! With a few scissor snips on the felt shapes, you’ll have dreidels ready to decorate. String them onto the included cording and your garland will be all set to hang by the menorah and sparkle in the candlelight. Happy Hanukkah!
- Kid Made Modern Winter Craft Kit
- Our free dreidel template (download it HERE)
- Pencil
- Craft needle
- Hot glue gun (REMINDER: exercise precaution and supervise kids when using a hot glue gun)

Step 1 - Create Dreidel Shapes
Print and cut out our free dreidel templates (download it HERE). Using a pencil, gently trace the shape of the dreidel on to pieces of felt from the kit. Then cut out the felt dreidels.

Step 2 - Decorate Dreidels
Decorate the felt dreidels with all of the wonderful sparkly supplies in the kit. A hot glue gun works well to adhere some of the heavier decorations like the shimmering paper straws.

Step 3 - String Garland
Use a craft needle to thread pom poms onto a piece of cord from the kit. Then hot glue the felt dreidels in between the pom poms.

Hang and enjoy!

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