Diy Kids Homework Planner

DIY Kids Homework Planner

Sometimes it seems like everyone is obsessed with planning and organizing. There are entire schools of thought and seminars you can take about planner systems of organization (which we love, btw). But kids who are just starting out learning how to keep track of and plan homework need to keep things simple. That doesn't mean it can't be fun though! With just a few KMM and Pipsticks supplies, kids can custom design and make a planner to fit their needs.

Kids Homework Planner Materials



Kid Made Modern Embroidered or Woven Notebook Kit

Pipsticks Washi Tape

- Upcycled Pipsticks Packaging (Pipsticks goodies arrive in AWESOME holographic envelopes)

Pipsticks stickers



Kids Homework Planner Step 1

1. Create a planner placeholder -- use a few pieces of weaving or embroidery material to make a planner placeholder -- that way you can easily go to the current day or week of your planner. Using Pipsticks’ washi tape, tape the weaving or embroidery material to the outside spine of your notebook, a few inches down from the top. Then extend the weaving strand or embroidery thread upward and fold it down into the pages of the notebook. You can cover the rest of the spine with washi tape if you wish.

Kids Homework Planner Step 2

2. Decorate notebook -- follow the directions in the notebook kit. We used the Woven Notebook Kit so we wove a pattern onto the front and secured on the inside cover with the kit's piece of sticky felt.

Kids Homework Planner Step 3

3. Fill in the days of the week -- keep it simple with plenty of space. Try adding three weekdays or two weekdays and a split of weekend days per page. Write the date in the left-hand margin and the day of the week along the top of each space. Keep the back of each page blank for doodling! A good basic tracking technique is to write the subject, the homework, and the due day of the week in parentheses. The student can then use the left-hand margin to check off what they've done -- we suggest using Pipsticks’ stickers to keep it fun (see below!).

Kids Homework Planner Step 4

4. Add a sticker pocket! -- repurpose that awesome Pipsticks' packaging by taping the envelope into the back of your planner. Add plenty of stickers to use for decorating or keeping track of homework progress.

Kids Homework Planner Done 1
Kids Homework Planner Done 2

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Buy our Woven or Embroidered Notebook Kit here!

Woven Notebook Kit Embroidered Notebook Kit

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