Diy Menorah Headband

DIY Menorah Headband

Hanukkah is a holiday that suffers from a lack of cute, wearable gear— antlers, santa hats, and elf ears do not coordinate with the dreidel-playing spirit. But as a holiday that’s super festive and magical in its message, it’s about time we change that. Enter, the menorah headband...a quick little craft that you can “light” as the eight days progress.

Start with a simple, drugstore headband, and grab your Arts & Crafts Library for the rest. This project will take you less than 15 minutes, but the adorableness will last forever!

DIY Menorah Headband Materials


What you’ll need from the Arts & Crafts Library:

- 9 felt strips

- 9 gold paillettes

Other tools and materials:

- Scissors

- Hot-glue gun

- Thin headband


Let’s make it!

DIY Menorah Headband Step 1

1. Choose a felt strip to be your center candle, or your shamash. Fold it over the headband and hot glue each side together. Trim the top into a point.

DIY Menorah Headband Step 2

2. Fold 4 felt strips on either side of the center candle and hot-glue securely on.

DIY Menorah Headband Step 3

3. Trim the 8 “candles” about a ½-inch and then into a point.

DIY Menorah Headband Step 4

4. Glue the paillettes in between the two layers of felt or behind the felt to make the flame.

DIY Menorah Headband Done 1
DIY Menorah Headband Done 2
DIY Menorah Headband Done 3

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Post by Amanda Kingloff of PROJECT K!D is dedicated to offering families creative and inventive ways to spend unplugged time with kids.

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