Diy Rain Stick

DIY Rain Stick

Our Over the Rainbow Craft Kit can help you brighten up any rainy day! Along with a few household items, you can make one of these super colorful and musical rain sticks. So grab a few things from around your kitchen and get crafting!

Rainbow Craft Kit



- Over the Rainbow Craft Kit

- paint (optional)

- recycled cardboard tubes

- beans and/or rice

- aluminum foil-

hot glue gun (REMINDER: exercise precaution and supervise kids when using a hot glue gun) 



DIY Summer Frozen Popsicle Holder Kids Craft
  1. Paint rain stick -- pick a favorite color and paint the entire cardboard tube. Let dry.

Empty Paper Towel Roll Color-Matching Craft Activity
  1. Decorate -- use the hot glue gun and decorate the outside of the rain stick however you like.

Empty Paper Towel Roll Color-Matching Craft With Pom Pom
  1. Close bottom of rain stick -- trace bottom of cardboard tube onto one of the kit's sticker sheets (leave backing on sticker sheet). Cut the circle out and attach to the bottom of the tube with the hot glue gun.


  1. Fill the rain stick -- pour a few scoops of beans and rice into the tube. Ball up a few small pieces of aluminum foil and add to the tube -- it will help make a more realistic rain sound!

Two Empty Paper Towel Roll Color-Matching Craft
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