Diy Wind Chime

DIY Wind Chime

Need a simple DIY craft to keep your kiddos busy? Follow along as we create a quick and easy DIY Wind Chime you can create from an empty toilet paper roll!  Our resident crafter, Laurie, is back on Kid Made Modern’s IGTV to share how to make DIY Wind Chime out of a toilet paper roll, paint, fuzzy sticks, scissors, and beads! 

Head to our Instagram to watch an interactive video of how to create this DIY. Share your creations on Instagram and tag #gomakestuff. And make sure to keep checking our feed because we’re sharing easy-to-follow art projects, special guests, and more. 


Washable Paint 

Paint Brush

Toilet Paper Roll 


String of any kind

Fuzzy sticks 


Hole Punch

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