Fathers Day Photo Wall Hanging

Fathers Day Photo Wall Hanging

Use the Kid Made Modern Summer Camp Kit to create a photo wall hanging for Father’s Day! This kit has everything you need to build and hang your picture frames. Read below to learn to make your own! 

Kid Made Modern Fathers Day Photo Wall Hanging

Materials Needed: 

Kid Made Modern Photo Wall Hanging DIY


Step 1: Use craft sticks from the Summer Camp Kit to build photo frames. You can use the glue from the kit, or a hot glue gun (which will dry faster). Make one frame for each photo you want to hang.

Kid Made Modern Fathers Day Photo Wall Hanging

Step 2: Decorate your frames with the colorful supplies that come in your kit. We chose to decorate one with beads, one with pieces of paper straws, and to wrap one with yarn. Again, you can choose to use regular or hot glue for this step.

Kid Made Modern Fathers Day Photo Wall Hanging

Step 3: Glue or tape your photos to the back of your frames. We printed our photos on cardstock paper in black and white.

Kid Made Modern Photo Wall Hanging DIY

Step 4: Use yarn to wrap one of the dowel rods in the kit. We chose to use two colors of yarn. To wrap the dowel, glue the end of the yarn to the end of the dowel. Then, wrap the yarn tightly around the full length of the dowel. Glue it down on the other end and trim with scissors! You will also tie on pieces of yarn to create a hanger on the top of your piece and to hang each of your frames. Leave the frame pieces long for now and you can trim them later.

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