
Introducing Tubby Advent!

We're thrilled to introduce a new seasonal collaboration with Tubby Todd, our Tubby Advent Calendar! When we started talking about this months ago, we wanted to focus on the magical traditions that make each holiday season memorable.

The gift set includes three festive Tubby Todd products and the Kid Made Modern DIY Holiday Advent Calendar to help you create some new traditions to celebrate the season with your little ones. Learn more about the collaboration HERE. Read on for an interview with Andrea, the co-founder and Head Mama of Tubby Todd. 


Tell us a bit about yourself and how Tubby Todd came to be. 

Hi! My name is Andrea Faulkner Williams, I am the co-founder and Head Mama of Tubby Todd Bath Co. I also have four kids! So many kids! Jo age 9, Walker age 7, James age 4 and baby Andy age 1. My husband, Brian Todd, and I started Tubby Todd as a solution for our own family’s sensitive skinned babes. Six years ago we first developed a wash and then our product line grew as our family did. It has been the best ever to watch families across the world find, use and love our products just like we do. 

How has Tubby Todd evolved since you first started? 

When we first started Tubby Todd we invited families to join us to find clean products but what ended up happening was that they stayed for the community. We now have this army of like-minded mamas who have joined together to support and build one another up. It’s rad. And I love our products. They are truly the best, the Tubby Todd Mama Community has my WHOLE heart. Our Facebook Group, blog, events and Instagram are all places where our mamas hang and support one another. 


How did the collaboration with Kid Made Modern come together? Tell us about the process. 

I have been a long time fan the Kid Made Modern brand. Fangirl alert! Since 2012 when they launched, I have been purchasing their products for our own family. Curated craft sets that will instill creativity but not destroy my day or budget. I AM GAME. When we brainstormed dream collaborators in 2019, Kid Made eModerne was on that list. It was only a matter of time before the email gods brought our teams together and this collab, Tubby Advent, was born. 

How did you go about creating unique scents for the Tubby Todd X KMM collaboration? 

The advent leading to the holiday season is all about rituals together as a family that celebrate sweet simple moments together. For that reason we chose three scents that represent those rituals: 

  • Pomegranate Cream: Sweet flavors of the season from treats to baths to rich decor that hangs in your home. 
  • Winter Mint: Crisp winter mornings spent outside playing in snowfall. 
  • Warm Vanilla & Gingerbread: Late nights drinking cider & cocoa and eating cookies. 


The holidays are coming up, what are your favorite ways to celebrate the season with your kids? 

I have a pile of holiday books I put on our table in our family room and another I put in our loft. During the long hours in the afternoon between school and bedtime I always grab whatever kids are around and force them to snuggle on the couch with me and read Christmas books. I also love planning a Christmas for another family with my kids. I let them pick out the gifts and clothing for a family in need and then we grocery shop for them. I hope that for a brief moment they are able to remember that this season isn’t about what they get but about what they give to others. 

What are you looking forward to doing this holiday season? 

I am looking forward to the fact that most of the holiday parties are cancelled and I get to do the simple holiday rituals without rushing to another event after event. Long bubble baths, hot cocoa and a movie and more forced snuggling. 

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