Kusama Art Project

Kusama Art Project

Are you familiar with the contemporary artist Yayoi Kusama? She is a Japanese artist who has been called "the princess of polka dots" for her use of the shape in all forms of art, particularly sculpture and installations. Kusama's interactive "Obliteration Room" was first conceived as a project for children and involves visitors placing colored polka dot stickers all over the surfaces in a white space. We've scaled the art down a bit, but our project is just as fun!

Mixed Paper Pad In Box



- Art Supply Collection

- recycled cardboard

- scissors

- hot glue gun (REMINDER: exercise precaution and supervise kids when using a hot glue gun) 



Kusama Art Project


  1. Create background -- cut out pieces of recycled cardboard to "pop" off the page. We're making smaller scales of Kusama's room, but adding a 3D element will really make it fun. Glue the cardboard onto a piece of paper from the supply kit.

Create Background
  1. Paint background white -- use the kit's foam brush and white paint to create a solid-colored background, just like the actual obliteration rooms.

Paint Background White
  1. Add polka dots! -- once the background has dried, use paint or oil pastels from the kit to add colorful polka dots. Try leaving the project out and letting others add to it collaboratively over time until the background gets obliterated!

Add Polka Dots
DIY Christmas Gift Card

Kid Made Modern's Art Supply Collection is available at select Walmart stores

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