Make Your Own Art Box
An art box is a wonderful way to encourage your toddler’s creativity! The My First Craft Prompts Kit is a great way to get started. The kit comes with toddler-friendly creative prompts and all the materials you need to make them! Read below to see how we used our kit to create an art box for our family.

Materials Needed:
- My First Craft Prompts Kit
- Large plastic bin (I like using a clear bin!)
- Recycled materials such as toilet roll tubes, cardboard, bubble wrap, and plastic lids
- Kid scissors
- Glue or glue stick

What is an art box?
An art box is a box filled with open-ended art supplies that toddlers and preschoolers can freely access at home to create! I have used an art box with my two preschoolers at home for years. It has become one of our favorite ways to spend rainy days at home and has been a staple activity for us while we are homeschooling this year!
Our box stays filled with all of the basic materials my kids need to create art independently. It is important to me that they have access to materials when inspiration creates strikes! Our art box provides them with that access, with some limits. As a parent, I love that I am in control of what goes in their box! Right now, my kids have access to scissors, glue, and markers, but not paint. As they grow older and learn to use more materials independently, I can always add to their box and increase their options.

How do I make an art box?
The My First Craft Prompts Kit is a wonderful way to get started with an art box at home. It comes with sturdy art prompt cards that give your kids open-ended ideas for what they can make. When we opened our kit, my kids were immediately drawn to the prompt to make a mask! I love that the kit provides everything you need to make each of the prompts included.

To set up our art box, we first added the materials and prompts from our kit to a large plastic box. I like to use a clear box for our art box - it helps my kids to be able to see what is inside! Next, we looked through our recycling for other materials that would be fun to have on hand to create. We added toilet paper tubes, cardboard pieces and some bubble wrap. Finally, I added a pair of scissors and some glue. We labeled our box and placed it in our playroom for easy access!
How do I teach my kids to use the art box?
First, think through your boundaries when it comes to using the art box. What times of day are you ok with your kids using it? Where do they need to sit to do their art? What are your expectations for clean up afterwards? Show your kids the box and talk to them about your expectations.

Next, do some art together! Before your kids can work with the art box independently, they will need to use it with you. Model for them how to choose a prompt card, find materials and create. Let them ask questions, remind them of the boundaries you set, and help them practice cleaning things up! Gradually, you will be able to participate less and less as your kids learn to use the art box on their own.