DIY Metallic Mobile Craft for Kids

Metallic Mobile DIY

 I don't know about you, but my kids LOVE anything metallic. If it's shiny, they're in. So, when we got our Metal Mash Up Kit, it was game on. Everything you need is right in the kit, which is amazing. After playing around with all the cool materials for a while, we got serious with some Metallic Modern Mobiles. We've been seeing fancy metal versions pop up all over the place, so this was something we were excited to make in a kids version. The process and the results are both super fun. We used this easy hook and latch system that works great with kids. Once they learn the system, the possibilities are endless. We made a neon modern mobile with pipe cleaners over on mericherry. Definitely check it out. It's great for the 4-7 set. This modern mobile is great for kids 6 and up.

Metallic Mobile DIY



You'll Need...

Metallic Kit (all the embellishments to make the modern mobiles are right inside the kit)


A hole punch (preferably a smaller punch like this one)

Metallic Mobile DIY Materials



1. Pick out your favorite metallic sticker boards and cut out a few different geometric shapes. Some ideas are long rectangles, triangles, half circles and circles. We chose the bronze sticker boards for our mobile.

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2. Hole punch the top and bottom of each shape. You might want to invest in a fancy hole puncher for smaller holes. They are available in most craft stores.


3. Cut small pieces of wire about 2 or 3 inches (it doesn't have to be exact) and demonstrate to your child how to turn the ends into hooks on both sides.

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4. Now for the hook and latch. Begin to hook and latch your shapes together making a chain of shapes for your modern mobile. The wire hooks will glide easily through the holes. You can give them a little squeeze to secure them but you don't really need to. Before hooking the second side you might want to add some metallic beads or keep it simple and just use shapes.


5. Last step is to punch a hole in the top shape and tie on a piece of metallic string. Knot the string at the top to hang in your favorite spot.

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*Secret Tip for Kids* If you want, do step 5 first and hang. Then use the hook and latch method while the mobile is hanging up on the wall. Some kids might find this a little easier to manage. Gravity will be on your side :)

Metallic Mobile DIY tip

If you want to get super duper fancy you can make a metallic modern mobile with a propeller top. It's the same latch and hook system, but the top part is three metallic boards folded in half and stuck together to form a propeller shape. The tie to hang gets stuck inside the top. This one might be great for a preteen or teenager to make.

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Doesn't it look profesh? My daughter's loved this one and agreed to be my hand models to show it off. Gotta love their 80's glove choice. Head over to to see our 80's inspired neon modern mobiles. They are super easy to make and really fun for younger kids.

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Whichever modern mobile you chose, it will look super cool hanging in your child's room and they'll have a lot of fun making it.

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Thanks for the great kit to make these with Kid Made Modern. It's amazing having everything you need all in one box. The possibilities are endless.

Metallic Mobile DIY Room

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Ready to make your own? Shop our Smarts and Crafts Metal Mash-Up, Smarts and Crafts Bright Bundle, and Smarts and Crafts Sparkle Stash here!


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Meri Cherry, yes, that’s her real name, is the owner of Meri Cherry Art Studio in Los Angeles, a Process Art Studio for Kids. She has over 20 years experience teaching art to children of all ages. Meri shares all kinds of adventures in Process Art on her blog, She has two daughters, Gigi and Diana, a fantastic husband, Evan, and a Jack Russel named Billie.

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