Metallic Watercolor Stained Glass
Have you tried our Metallic Watercolors yet? They are such a fun set of shimmery colors that remind us so much of light reflecting off of beautiful stained glass. So we decided to put them to work in our own version of the art project. Black glue mimics the lead used in the real deal and our watercolors fill in the rest. Give it a try!

- Kid Made Modern Metallic Watercolors (available at select Walmart stores)
- pencil
- sturdy white paper
- white school glue
- black acrylic paint
- small squeeze bottle (optional)

Make black glue -- in a small squeeze bottle (or directly in your glue bottle with a small amount of glue removed), add a good dollop of black acrylic paint. Stir with a skewer or other thin object until well incorporated. Put the top back onto the bottle and give it a few good shakes as well. You want the paint fully mixed into the glue.

Outline design -- draw your design lightly using a pencil. Use the black glue to trace the outline of your stained glass design. Try out different realistic and abstract designs, or a combination of both! Let the glue dry completely.

Fill in with watercolors -- once the glue has dried, fill in the outline with metallic watercolor paints. Try concentrating or diluting in different areas with the same color to make it look more like real stained glass.

Kid Made Modern's Metallic Watercolors are available at select Walmart stores