Mommy and Me Peg Dolls

Mommy and Me Peg Dolls

Completed mommy and me peg dolls

When it comes to connecting with our kids, most parents have their preferred ways. For some it might be through sports, reading or cooking. For my family, crafting is one of the best ways to connect with my children.

With that in mind and with Mother’s Day around the corner, we thought it would be fun to make our very own “Mommy and Me” peg dolls together. It turned out to be the perfect activity to do together around the kitchen table as we prepared to celebrate Mother’s Day.

When crafting with my daughters, I try to have our projects be as open-ended as possible and I like them to take the lead on their projects. I encourage my children to get creative and use their imagination, as there is really no right or wrong way to go about doing this sort of thing. I find that once they get going on their projects, the creative juices really get flowing and they really get in a groove. We also have some great conversations while sitting down creating stuff together, and some of my best memories with them are the conversations we’ve had while crafting.

To make your own “Mommy and Me” peg dolls, grab your children and your Kid Made Modern Arts and Crafts Supply Library, and read along!


DIY supplies


Materials Needed:


-Hot glue gun

-Black marker


From your Kid Made Modern Arts and Crafts Supply Library:

-Peg dolls

-Embroidery floss


-Craft sticks


-Pom poms


-Pipe cleaners



Step 1

Gather your materials. We used a bunch of different items in our design. One of the best parts of this project is that you can use so many of the materials!

 Step 2

Start by cutting your craft stick in half to make two legs for your Peg doll. Then, hot glue them on to the back. Let the glue dry for a minute or two before moving on. 

Mommy and me peg dolls step 1

Step 3

Add your hair. We used embroidery floss and pom poms when doing our doll’s hair. (Simply cut both the floss and the pom poms to make hair!) Secure the hair with hot glue. 

Mommy and me peg dolls step 2

Step 4

Add your dresses. We used the felt strips included, as they were the perfect length for our dolls. Wrap the felt around the dolls to make a dress and secure it in the back with hot glue.

Mommy and me peg dolls step 3  

Step 5

Add some fun details! We added sequin hats, pom pom hats, gem shoes, embroidery floss scarves – we also used pipe cleaners as bows, a belt and even a pair of arms!

Step 6

Use your black marker to draw a face on each of your Peg dolls. 

Mommy and me peg dolls step 5

To create these DIY “Mommy and Me” Peg dolls, all that we really needed was some interesting materials and basic supplies. I hope we have inspired you to do the same, because to me, there’s nothing better than connecting with kids over a fun project like this one.

 Mommy and me peg dolls finished DIY









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