New Year’s Eve Jingly Party Necklace DIY
Ringing in the New Year is different with kids, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less fun. Having a Noon Year’s Eve celebration can be exciting for the whole family. Blow up balloons, dance to music, lay out special treats to eat, and have a countdown. Make these jingly party necklaces ahead of time to wear to ring in 2022!
In addition to a pair of scissors, everything you need to make this project can be found in the Kid Made Modern's New Year's Eve Party Kit.
Supplies Needed:
- Kid Made Modern New Year's Eve Party Kit ( items listed below)
- plastic balls
- metallic twine
- sequins
- jingle bells
- pom poms
- beads
- washi tape
- Scissors
Step 1
Grab 1 side of a plastic ball and fill it with various sequin shapes and pom poms. Don’t forget to add in a jingle bell or 2!
Step 2
Once you’ve filled your 1 side of the ball, get the other side and connect the two together. Make sure the top 2 holes are aligned for easy stringing in the next step.
Step 3
Get your metallic twine and cut it to a desired necklace length. Remember to leave some extra length for knotting. It’s always an easy fix to make your necklace shorter if needed.
Step 4
Start stringing your beads onto your metallic twine. If you want to work in a specific pattern, it might be easier to lay out the bead pattern before you start stringing. Random patterns are always fun too, so let your imagination go wild!
Step 5
Once you’ve strung half the number of beads, you’re going to string your ball on so it will be the center of your necklace.
Step 6
Continue stringing your beads on the other side of the ball. You want to add beads until you have an equal number on either side of the ball.
Step 7
After stringing all your beads, check your necklace length. If you’re happy with the length, tie your string ends together. A double knot will be best to make sure it’s secure.
Step 8
Lastly, cut a small piece of washi tape and place it on your ball to help ensure both sides stay connected.
Now you have a completed New Year’s Eve Jingly Party Necklace. Time to play some music and start your countdown to 2022!
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