Watercolor Rainbows DIY

Fun DIY Rainbow Using Watercolor


Kid Made Modern Watercolor Rainbow DIY

This watercolor project is a wonderful way to introduce your toddler or preschooler to simple watercolor techniques! We used the My First Watercolor Kit to create our rainbows. The toddler-sized paintbrushes and large paint palette are fantastic for little hands. Read below to learn how you can make your own. 

Materials Needed: 

  • My First Watercolor Kit
  • Paper plates
  • Scissors
  • Cotton balls
  • Glue

 DIY Watercolor Rainbows Kid Made Modern

Step 1: Use your scissors to cut your paper plate in half. You can make a rainbow out of each half of your plate!

DIY Watercolor Rainbow Kid Made Modern 

Step 2: Open your My First Watercolor Kit. You will need the paint palette and brushes. Fill a shallow dish or bowl with some water (this helps prevent spilling with toddlers). Using one color at a time, guide your toddler to paint their rainbow! We began with red on the outer edge of the plate and worked our way in. Help them clean the brush thoroughly between colors as they work.

DIY Watercolor Rainbows Kid Made Modern 

Step 3: Once your watercolors have dried, use liquid glue to glue some cotton balls across the bottom edge of your plate to create clouds! Squeezing liquid glue is another great art skill for toddlers that helps them build fine motor skills. Once your glue dries, your rainbow is complete!

DIY Watercolor Rainbows

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