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Kid Made Modern » crafts

DIY Backpack Luggage Tags Craft for Kids

DIY Backpack // Luggage Tags

Tag your goods with a bright and funky backpack tag using our Arts + Crafts Supply Library!

Mosaic Cardboard Collage

Create a swoon-worthy Mosaic Cardboard Collage using our Sparkle Stash Kit!

DIY Mosaic Cardboard Collage Craft for Kids
Kids DIY metallic mobile arts & crafts project

Hanging Beaded Mobile DIY

Craft a modern + shiny Hanging Beaded Mobile using our Metal Mash-Up Kit!

Mother's Day Flower Pot DIY

Create a one-of-a-kind flower pot for Mom this Mother’s Day.
Mothers Day Flower Pot DIY Craft for Kids
DIY Game Set Craft for Kids

DIY Game Set

Get your game on by crafting up a creative set of games with our Arts and Crafts Supply Library!

DIY Cereal Box Notebooks

Craft a glittery DIY Cereal Box Notebook using our Sparkle Stash Kit!

Diy Cereal Box Notebooks
DIY Tassled Bookmarks Craft for Kids

DIY Tasseled Bookmarks

Learn how to craft an easy + fun DIY Tasseled Bookmark using our Bright Bundle Kit! 

Metallic Mobile DIY

We teamed up with Meri Cherry of to create a simple mobile DIY created from our Metal Mashup Kit.
DIY Metallic Mobile Craft for Kids
Crustacean Infatuation Pin

Crustacean Infatuation Pin

Tell someone exactly how you feel this Valentine's Day with this pun-loving, amorous, anthropod!

Armadillo Valentines

The mood is set for Irma and Armand Dillo's Valentine's date and the pastabilities are endless. Sometimes the best way to tagliatelle someone that you love them is to share a meal!
Armadillo Valentines